Friday, July 12, 2013

Pranayam = Health

Hey all,

let me take you through a form of pranayam which is called king of pranayam.

it is called so because the benefits out of it are soooooo many...and that is .....

Naadi Shudhhi pranayam, alternate nostril breathing,

Naadi mean Nervs
Shudhhi mean cleasning

This pranayam helps us to cleanse our nervous system, there are more than 72000 naadis in a human body, and because of many factors like stress anxiety obesity or any other factors these nervous system tend to shrink and becomes sick.

To rejuvenate the nervous system one can perform this pranayam.

How ever before going in detail to this lemme tll u the concept of it

Though we have 1 nose we have 2 nostrils in it. the right nostril is called surya(Sun) and left one is chandra(moon).

So for those whose body is cold they have to close the moon nostril (left one) and breathe in from right one for 27 counts, this will make the body warm this is called surya pranayama.

  • those who have High BP or chronical disorder should not perform this
  • good for patients who have low BP
  • this helps in reducing head ache caused by stress and anxiety
  • reduces sinusities

For those whose body is heat to cool it down they have to close right nostril and inhale and exhale through left nostril 27 counts,this is chandra pranayama.

  • low BP patients a must practice daily twice
  • good for migrane head aches
for those who are obesse try surya pranayam 4 times a day 27 counts each time before evry lunch and before going to bed. practice this for 2 to 3 months you can see a huge diffrence.

when we perform this pranayam the posture is right hand we make nasika mudra
Nasika mean nose

How to make nasika mudra?

We close our index finger and middle finger and keep the remaining open, when performing chandra pranayam we close right nostrill using thumb finger and perform inhale and exhale through left one.
and when breathing through right nostril we have to close the left one using the remaining 2 fingers.

Naadi shuddhi means performing pranayam with both the nostrils.
inhale from right nostril close right nostril open left nostril and exhale from itnow inhale from left nostril and close left nostril and exhale from right nostril this counts as 1 round. similarly daily 7 to 9 times rounds 2 times a day

when we are ready to take medicines daily from doctors,why cant we dare to make this as practice??

With out pain there is no gain and the gain you get without pain isnt worth..

Trust me and please make this your daily routine you can see lot of diffrence in your life style with this!!

gud luk!!:) 

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Surya namaskar and its benefits.

hey all!!

Hope you are having a great day.....

Wanna share some facts about Surya Namaskar which my yoga teacher has spoke about.
How is Surya Namaskar benefit to us and what are the asanas used in this process.

We have to do 13 Surya Namaskara rounds with chanting below mantra 1 for each round. dnt have tym fr wrk our try this alone 13 rounds ech for a mnth and you can see change your self.

13 names of Surya - the Sun deity
ॐ मित्राय नमः Om Mitraaya Namah 
ॐ रवये नमः Om Ravaye Namah 
ॐ सूयार्य नमः Om Suryaaya Namah 
ॐ भानवे नमः Om Bhaanave Namah 
ॐ खगाय नमः Om Khagaaya Namah 
ॐ पूष्णे नमः Om Puushne Namah 
ॐ हिरण्यगर्भाय नमः Om Hiranyagarbhaaya Namah 
ॐ मरीचये नमः Om Mareechaye Namah 
ॐ आदित्याय नमः Om Aadityaaya Namah 
ॐ सवित्रे नमः Om Savitre Namah 
ॐ अर्काय नमः Om Arkaaya Namah 
ॐ भास्कराय नमः Om Bhaaskaraaya Namah 
ॐ श्रीसवितृसूर्यनारायणाय नमः Om Shree Savitru Suurya Naaraayanaaya Namah

** I in the pic means inhale & E means Exhale
Each round consists of below asanas.
1.) Urdhvasan for concentration, shoulders and back
2.) Uttanasan for abdomen legs and hip
3.) Ek pada for thigh, inner thigh and hands
4.) Dandasan gud for back and arms
5.) Shashtang pranam ths mks u to breathe nrmal
6.) Shashankasan cools u down
7.) Bhujangasan for lower back
8.) Parvathasan for abdomen and thighs
9.) Shashankasan
10.) Eka pada
11.) Uttanasan
12.) Urdhvasan

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Stress management & ways to deal

Hey all....

Stress is a big word to talk about but felt to contribute to this big word, from which i know.

Now a days i find many saying they have all kind of diseases when they go to doc, it every time ends up saying this is due to your stress levels..... :O scary isn't it?...

Anyway s as always when i tried getting answers from people for, what they are doing to manage this stress levels

Many answers i found is yoga,meditation, listening to music. hmmmm thats all???:O

Let me tell you there are many ways to deal with it...

Do you agree that even our elders had stress and they were able to manage it?
lemme try to put it this way...

When you were kid schooling did you ever had leisure periods which are just meant for activities like crafts,drawing, so on?

Where are all these now? does this mean we do not have creativity left with us any more? apart from browsing?

lemme write down some points for you.

  • If you are good @ painting try out painting when ever you are stressed, it will work miracle and the happiness you get out of it will help you in having a good sleep as well.
  • Listen to music, but not on headphones as it eventually is not good for your ears and brain nerves as well listen in normal phase in your room.
  • Try cycling if you love it when you are stressed it will bring you back to tract.
  • Stop browsing, yes browsing late hours will lead to anxiety and is not good.
  • Do u like designing? rather copying from Google make your own, it will help in stress reduction.
  • Reduce talking hours continuously on phone.

Concentrate your world around will get some thing which interests you, try getting in to it

dance, karate, music, singing, drawing, crafts, wall paintings,beauty, designing, cycling, yoga, meditation so on....

gud luk!!

Riped banana using

Riped bananas? wanna use them wise... here u gooooo.....

  • Mash ripe banana and milk 2 Tblsp on raw milk and apply to hair. leave it for some time on hair and wash it off.. Banana is a gud conditioner and milk is gud moisturiser....
  • Cleanse face with raw milk and massage ur face with the layer on the milk which u get after boiled 1/2 spoon honey and lil tumeric after 2 mins massage add ripe banana and massage face for 1 min and leave it on face. after it is dry wash it with cold water tap dry...... you can find huge difference in your skin.
And these are quick remedies for broken hair and damaged skin ESP for DRY SKIN and DRY HAIR try out....

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Hair spa at home!!

Heyyy wanna go to hair spa?
But is it took costly??
Don't u HV appointments??
Do u want to anyways attend party tom??!
I will help u to do hair treatment @ home... easy steps and here we go....

  1. Oil ur hair. Use all types of oil like coconut olive Castro and mustard.
  2. Heat ths oil little and apply this to scalp and hair cmpltly. Let it sit fr 2 hrs.
  3. Now u HV to prepare an easy hair pack.u need below ingredients.
  • Hibiscus leaves 10 fr shoulder length even powder will do.
  • 10 curry leaves.
  • 20 methi leave soaked in wtr fr half an hr.
  • Beetroot grated 3 spoons.
  • 1 Whole egg.
  • 2 Spoons curd.
Mix all and prepares hair pack by putting them in mixer and apply on ur head including scalp and leave it on hair fr an hr.

Wash off hair using some gud shampoo...

Ur hair is now ready ...

Hw ever if urs is dry hair after an hr whn hair is dry oil it agn.

And shampoo next day mrng... u can feel the change in ur hair...

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Try sumthng new daily...

When I am trying to watch TV daily I try sumthng or other new out there

  1. Try sitting in vajrasan watching ur favourite TV programme fr MRE than ten minutes.
  2. Try closing your eyes in a dark room and just observer ur breathing.
  3. Try candle theraphy, just close doors of the room mk it dark place a candle and light it now sit 3" far from it and constantly look at it. Ur eyes will water.let them the clears dust in eyes, imprvs concentration and even helps in eye sight correction.
All these small things bring greater change in or life...