Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Easy Scrubs @ home!

Do you think to remove tan only tan removal packs have to be used? not really we can use home made scrubs to get rid of tan and dead skin!!

Makes 400ml (12oz)
1/2 cup olive oil*
1 1/2 cups sugar
2 tbsp honey
a few drops of your choice of essential oil (optional)**

Put the sugar into a bowl and add the olive oil and honey. Work it all together until it is evenly combined. It will be like wet sand. If you want to add some essential oil (I used peppermint), add it a few drops at a time and stir it in and check if it smells how you want.
Put into an airtight jar, ideally with a wide mouth so you can scoop a bit out with your hands when you need it.
You Can prepare some scrubs @ home itself like:-
1.)    Take some cream which you have at home mix sugar with it and apply on face and scrub.
2.)    Green tea water(2 bags green tea) add sugar 1 sppon and honey 1 spoon to it and scrub
3.)    Coconut water, sugar and lime a gud scrub.

P.S:- Before scrub always clean your face with cleansing milk(or normal Milk) after scrub wipe off with luke warm water.

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Things TO DO!!

Some things which you should never forget!!

1Ø  Wash your face with clean and cold water daily first thing in the morning, and say today will be the best day ever.
Ø  Take 3 glasses of warm water to get rid of gastritis (1 glass add lime and cinnamon). Try with 1 glass initially and increase it to 3.
Ø  Drink 8 Oz of liquid per day (Juices exclude sugar).
Ø  Walk in a park where you can get more of oxygen, rather walking in a gym.(try once you can make difference yourself.
Ø  Do not skip your breakfast; eat carbs and protein as Breakfast.
Ø  Have habit of tea? Try ginger tea rather normal tea or green tea.
Ø  Prepare bf @ home rather buying it, be organic.
Ø  Do not use plastics much, reduce the usageof plastic,
Ø  Wash your hair alternative days, and let it dry naturally do not use dryer.

Ø  Pack your lunch from home, rather buying it, eat fat carbs for lunch.
Ø  After dinner sit a while, after supper walk a mile. Follow this.
Ø  After breakfast before lunch have a fruit.
Ø  Do not drink sodas.
Ø  Sandwich lovers? Replace your bread to brown/wholegrain bread.
Ø  Reduce coffee, go rich on green tea
Ø  Evening snack on a fruit.
Ø  Go for a walk with team evenings.
Ø  Do not stick to your chair.
Ø  Computer users after every 30 mins look at far distance for 10 secs.
Ø  Sit in dark room for 15 mins every day
Ø  Do not take pills for sleep.
Ø  Enjoy the sleep, get rid of your smart phone at this time.

Small Changes, but will make lot of difference try them out.